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Monday, February 10, 2025


Mattawa Hospital strives to conform to The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).

Ontario needs to be more accessible to people with disabilities. It is the right thing to do. As required by the AODA we prepare and revise annually a plan to identify and remove barriers and improve opportunities for people with disabilities. People with disabilities are involved in the process from the identification to the removal and prevention of barriers at our facilities.

If you have a concern about the way that we provide services to persons with disabilities or would like to provide feedback or would like to see our accessibility-related policies, please contact us by phone:

Mattawa Hospital Designate: 705-744-6015

Algonquin Nursing Home Designate: 705-744-2202

Mattawa Hospital Accessibility Plan 2023–2024

1. Executive Summary:

Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarian’s with Disabilities Act 2005 (AODA), formally Ontarian’s with Disabilities (ODA), requires public organizations to prepare annual plans and improve opportunities for people with disabilities.  People with disabilities are involved in the process from the identification to the removal and prevention of barriers within the Mattawa Hospital.  In order to achieve this goal, the Mattawa Hospital has prepared an annual accessibility plan through consultation with persons with disabilities.  The plan is available to the public.

Disability is any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect, or illness and without limiting the generality of the foregoing includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or in a wheel chair or other remedial appliance of device.

  • A condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability
  • A learning disability or dysfunction in one or more other processes involved in understanding or using symbols of spoken language.
  • A mental disorder
  • A chemical sensitivity, or
  • An injury disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance act, 1997.

A barrier is anything that prevents a person with a disability in fully participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, information or communication barrier, an attitudinal barrier, a technological barrier, or a policy or a practice.

This document is the up-to-date accessibility plan developed for the Hôpital de Mattawa Hospital.  It highlights our commitment to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities, including staff, clients, students, volunteers, and other members of the community.

2. Aim:

Our goal is to promote knowledge of the AODA and to maintain awareness and compliance with the act.  This report will identify measures that the Hospital will take during the coming years to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities who live in, work in, or use the Hôpital de Mattawa Hospital including patients and their family members, staff, health care practitioners, volunteers and members of the communities.  On an ongoing basis we will then review our past successes and continue to monitor.

3. Hospital Mission and Vision:


We are Catholic organizations building on the legacy of the Sisters of Charity and the healing Ministry of Jesus. Together, the Hospital and the Nursing Home are dedicated to provide progressive, high quality, compassionate, faith-based health care services that are responsive to the needs of our bilingual and diverse cultural community.


Together, Guided by Medicine, Inspired by Faith, in a Place called Home.

4. Objectives:

  1. This report describes the process by which Mattawa Hospital through the Joint Accessibility Committee with the members from the community will identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities.
  2. Review barriers identified through the committee to further prevent barriers with disabilities.
  3. Will develop and review policies to include any review of the plan as well as conducting a yearly audit.  This will assist us to identify any further barriers to people with disabilities in the coming year.  Through the Joint Accessibility Committee measures will be described in the coming year to assist in moving forward to make the Mattawa Hospital a barrier free environment.  With having members of the community participate in our committee, this will assist us in communicating our plan to the public.

5. Hôpital de Mattawa Hospital Description:

The Hôpital de Mattawa Hospital is a 19 bed acute care facility providing Emergency, Ambulatory care, Complex Continued Care, Hospice and Acute In-Patient Care. The Hospital is the sole provider of Laboratory and Diagnostic Imaging services for Mattawa and surrounding area. The Hospital also coordinates and delivers services through our Mattawa Family Health Team.  The Hospital serves a remote rural area of about 6,500 in addition to seasonal residents, visitors, and tourists to the area.  We moved in to our new Hospital in October 2008. 

6. Membership of the Joint Accessibility Committee 2023-2024

  • Registration Staff (Hospital) - Lisette Dumont
  • Representative from Mattawa Community Living – Pam Church
  • VP Clinical Services / CNO (Hospital) – Christine Thompson
  • Director of Care (Home) – Jean Peteza
  • RAI Coordinator (Home) – Jennifer MacDonald
  • Nutrition Manager (Hospital and Home) – Jenee Martel
  • Manager, Maintenance and Support Services (Hospital and Home) – Geoff Stremble
  • Community Representative – Vacant
  • Diagnostic Imaging Coordinator (Hospital) – Francine Charette
  • Resident and Family Service Coordinator (Home) – Sophie Bellehumeur
  • Environmental Services Staff (Hospital) – Laure Michaud
  • Occupational Health and Safety/Infection Prevention and Control Officer (Hospital and Home) – Mitch Monette
  • Family Health Team (Hospital) – Ben Holst
  • Nursing Administrative Assistant (will take minutes) – Lisa Michaud or designate

7. Barrier Identification Methodology:

Brainstorming exercise

The Accessibility Planning Committee conducts ongoing sessions using the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act, 2005

Discussion with staff/Staff meetings

Managers will discuss at employee meetings. Employees will be encouraged to voice concerns, identify further barriers and suggest methods to remove barriers.

Complaints policy

All complaints identifying barriers including discrimination will be dealt with according to policy.

8. Identified Barriers – 2023:


Stigmatization of client with mental illness

Barrier Type: Attitude
Strategy for Removal/Prevention: Ongoing education
Action Plan / Outcomes: Ongoing education


Signage indicating Hospital exits only in a print format

Barrier Type: Communication
Strategy for Removal/Prevention: Design for retrofit is complete and has been submitted for finding request.  Design for retrofit is complete and has been submitted for funding request.  The request for funding is approved with expected completion this calendar year.
Action Plan / Outcomes: Points of exit signage in pictorial format.


Accessible Picnic Table

Barrier Type: Physical
Strategy for Removal/Prevention: Begin the process of procuring funding for replacement of current picnic tables with accessible, non-wood versions.
Action Plan / Outcomes: Availability of accessible picnic tables.


Availability of device to assist those with hearing impairment

Barrier Type: Communication
Strategy for Removal/Prevention: Procurement of Pocket Talker device.
Action Plan / Outcomes: Purchased and implemented usage of Pocket Talker – device located in the Emergency Department.


Notice of temporary disruptions will be posted as required.

  • The following information will be included in the notice of a temporary disruption – date, time, location i.e. elevator temporarily out of order.
  • Information would be posted at the main entrance and on the ER entrance door.

The Accessibility Plan is available to everyone and will be posted on our website.  Also, all documents required by the Customer Service Standard are available upon request.

Committees/Stakeholder Review & Approval

This provides evidence that the relevant committee/stakeholders affected by the policy and procedure have reviewed and approved the content:

Joint Accessibility Committee
May 26, 2022

Senior Leadership Team
June 14, 2022

Joint Accessibility Committee
April 18, 2023

Senior Leadership Team
April 25, 2023

Algonquin Nursing Home Accessibility Plan 2023-2024

1. Executive Summary:

Compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarian’s with Disabilities Act 2005 (AODA), formally Ontarian’s with Disabilities (ODA), requires public organizations to prepare annual plans and improve opportunities for people with disabilities.  People with disabilities are involved in the process from the identification to the removal and prevention of barriers within the Algonquin Nursing Home.  In order to achieve this goal, the Algonquin Nursing Home has prepared an annual accessibility plan through consultation with persons with disabilities.  The plan is available to the public.

Disability is any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect, or illness and without limiting the generality of the foregoing includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or in a wheel chair or other remedial appliance of device.

  • A condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability
  • A learning disability or dysfunction in one or more other processes involved in understanding or using symbols of spoken language.
  • A mental disorder, or
  • An injury disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance act, 1997.
  • A chemical sensitivity

A barrier is anything that prevents a person with a disability in fully participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, information or communication barrier, an attitudinal barrier, a technological barrier, or a policy or a practice.

This document is the up-to-date accessibility plan developed for the Algonquin Nursing Home.  It highlights our commitment to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities, including staff, clients, students, volunteers, auxiliary members and other members of the community.

2. Aim:

Our goal is to promote knowledge of the AODA and to maintain awareness and compliance with the act.  This report will identify measures that the Home will take during the coming years to identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities who live in, work in, or use the Algonquin Nursing Home including residents and their family members, staff, health care practitioners, volunteers and members of the communities.  On an ongoing basis we will then review our past successes and continue to monitor.

3. The Algonquin Nursing Home Mission and Vision:


We are Catholic organizations building on the legacy of the Sisters of Charity and the healing Ministry of Jesus. Together, the Hospital and the Nursing Home are dedicated to provide progressive, high quality, compassionate, faith-based health care services that are responsive to the needs of our bilingual and diverse cultural community.


Together, Guided by Medicine, Inspired by Faith, in a Place called Home.

4. Objectives:

  1. This report describes the process by which Algonquin Nursing Home through the Joint Accessibility Committee with the members from the community will identify, remove and prevent barriers to people with disabilities.
  2. Review barriers identified through the committee to further prevent barriers with disabilities.
  3. Will develop and review policies to include any review of the plan as well as conducting a yearly audit.  This will assist us to identify any further barriers to people with disabilities in the coming year. Through the Joint Accessibility Committee measures will be described in the coming year to assist in moving forward to make the Algonquin Nursing Home a barrier free environment.  With having members of the community participate in our committee, this will assist us in communicating our plan to the public.

5. Algonquin Nursing Home Description:

Algonquin Nursing Home was opened in April, 1976 by the late Dr. S. Firmin Monestime   and Mrs. Zena Monestime to provide Mattawa and the surrounding townships with 60 extended care beds. In 1984, one wing was extended to provide 12 more beds. In 1996, the dining room and lounge were expanded, a staff area was built and service delivery areas were rearranged to improve resident care efficiency. In June of 2019, the Algonquin Nursing Home was redeveloped to its’ new location on the same property as the Mattawa Hospital and is physically linked to the Hospital creating a health hub in the community and promoting accessibility for resident services.

6. Membership of the Joint Accessibility Committee 2023–2024

  • Registration Staff (Hospital) – Lisette Dumont
  • Representative from Mattawa Community Living – Pam Church
  • VP Clinical Services / CNO (Hospital) – Christine Thompson
  • Director of Care (Home) – Jean Peteza
  • RAI Coordinator (Home) – Jennifer MacDonald
  • Nutrition Manager (Hospital and Home) – Jenee Martel
  • Manager, Maintenance and Support Services (Hospital and Home) – Geoff Stremble
  • Community Representative – Vacant
  • Diagnostic Imaging Coordinator (Hospital) – Francine Charette
  • Resident and Family Service Coordinator (Home) – Sophie Bellehumeur
  • Environmental Services Staff (Hospital) – Laure Michaud
  • Occupational Health and Safety/Infection Prevention and Control Officer (Hospital and Home) – Mitch Monette
  • Family Health Team (Hospital) – Ben Holst
  • Nursing Administrative Assistant (will take minutes) – Lisa Michaud or designate

7. Barrier Identification Methodology:

Brainstorming exercise

The Accessibility Planning Committee conducts ongoing sessions using the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act, 2005  

Discussion with staff/Staff meetings

Managers will discuss at employee meetings.  Employees will be encouraged to voice concerns, identify further barriers and suggest methods to remove barriers.

Complaints policy

All complaints identifying barriers including discrimination will be dealt with according to policy.    

8. Identified Barriers – 2022:

Stigmatization of client with mental illness

Barrier Type: Attitude
Strategy for Removal/Prevention: Ongoing education
Action Plan / Outcomes: Ongoing education


Accessible Picnic Table

Barrier Type: Physical
Strategy for Removal/Prevention: Begin the process for procuring funding for purchase of one picnic table with accessible, non-wood version for outside environment.
Action Plan / Outcomes: Availability of accessible picnic table.


Availability of device to assist those with hearing impairment

Barrier Type: Communication
Strategy for Removal/Prevention: Procurement of Pocket Talker device.
Action Plan / Outcomes: Purchase and implemented usage of device as required.


Notice of temporary disruptions will be posted as required.

  • The following information will be included in the notice of a temporary disruption – date, time, location i.e. elevator temporarily out of order.
  • Information would be posted at the main entrance.

The Accessibility Plan is available to everyone and will be posted on our website.  Also, all documents required by the Customer Service Standard are available upon request.

Committees/Stakeholder Review & Approval

This provides evidence that the relevant committee/stakeholders affected by the policy and procedure have reviewed and approved the content:

Joint Accessibility Committee
 May 26, 2022

Senior Leadership Team
June 14, 2022

Joint Accessibility Committee
April 18, 2023

Senior Leadership Team
April 25, 2023

Learn More

Accessibility Feedback Forms

We welcome your comments to help us monitor and improve our services and your experience. Please download and fill in the forms below and follow the instructions to mail, email or fax the completed forms to us.

Temporary Disruption in Service

Planned Service or Access Disruptions

Any pre-planned interruption to entrances, access roads, elevating devices or accessible washrooms will be posted on the Mattawa Health website to provide public notification. Signs will be placed at the interruption site and at public entrances indicating alternate access.

Unexpected Disruptions in Service

Temporary and/or unexpected disrupted where advance notice is not possible through the external website, will be communicated through signage.

We Care About Accessibility

If you would like any information from our website provided to you in a format more appropriate to your needs, please call us at: 705-744-5511 or email us at

Mattawa Hospital

Phone: 705-744-5511

217 Turcotte Park Road, Box 70
Mattawa, Ontario P0H 1V0

Algonquin Nursing Home

Phone: 705-744-2202
Toll-Free: 1-800-579-4284

207 Turcotte Park Road, Box 270
Mattawa, Ontario P0H 1V0

Ministry of Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line

Hours: 8:30am – 7:00pm, 7 days a week
Toll-Free: 1-866-434-0144

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